I have to confess something,
I haven’t always been a good recycler.
So one day, as I was mixing
glass bottles with used avocados
My brother called me out.
He said, “Come on man,
If not you, then who?”
Right then I realized
The reason I didn’t sympathize
With this simple exercise,
Was just a matter of size.
Because in a world this big
There is always some forsaken
piece of land, taken over
by a waste management corporation
as an act of inoculation
against our indignation
at having to live with our own abomination.
Hence, my lack of participation.
But what happens when
the borders of this nation
can no longer house this
mountain of extirpation
without every domestication
overcome by the olfactory sensation
of biological degradation.
Then when it really smells like shit,
will we start recycling and composting then?
Nah, we’ll probably just make high-fashion masks
To cover the fact that the world smells like ass,
and Glade will make airplanes that drop gas
in flavors like blue sky, and green grass.
That’s kinda fucked up right,
cuz it might just come true!
So now it’s my turn to ask you.
‘If not you then who?’